The Al Falah Program in Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley aims at facilitating technical and academic exchange between UC Berkeley and counterparts in the Middle East or Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries on issues of science and technology that are of common interest to these countries and the United States. The program accomplishes this by funding research projects and field visits.
The Al Falah Program awards Research Planning grants to support the preparation of collaborative research efforts between Berkeley researchers and counterparts in the OIC region.
About the Planning Grant
Planning Grants enable investigators to establish a collaborative program with researchers in, or to develop research proposals applied to, a country or a city within the OIC region. Planning meetings should lead to a proposed program of collaborative research between the Berkeley researchers and collaborators within the OIC region.
Please reach out to Professor Khalid Mosalam ( to confirm availability of this grant. In the past, three grants were available, each not to exceed $7,500.
Past Planning Grant Themes
In 2020, the main theme of the research was Infrastructure. Researchers were asked to submit proposals for projects in resiliency and sustainability of infrastructure systems (including water, transportation, energy, and buildings) to work with counterparts in the Middle East or OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) countries. Additional consideration were made for proposals for projects in Saudi Arabia and the Jeddah/Medina area.
The proposed research was expected to be related to the development or refinement of theoretical, analytical or experimental methodologies that evaluate and/or improve the infrastructure, including water, transportation, energy, and buildings.
How to Apply
If interested in this program and grant, please contact Professor Khalid Mosalam ( to confirm availability of this grant. You may be required to submit an application consisting of a short research pre-proposal (no more than 1000 words), describing the research topic and the intended use of the funds. Allowable uses include summer support, graduate student support and travel. Travel funds may be used for research-related travel to the OIC region for purposes of developing relations or working with collaborators towards developing future proposals. Description of such future plans will be viewed favorably during the review process.
Applications should be sent to: Al Falah Program Committee, c/o Professor Khalid Mosalam, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 723 Davis Hall, Berkeley 94720-1720. Applications are best sent via email at the following address: